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Empowering Classrooms with Artome S1’s Interactive Learning Revolution.

Artome S1 is a communication cart with laser projector and impressive sound system that transforms any space for learning, presentations and experiences. Inspire Active Learning by creating flexible learning spaces. As classrooms continue to evolve, Artome S1 stands at the forefront of educational technology, offering a glimpse into the exciting possibilities of interactive and immersive […]

Computex becomes Shape Robotics Irish Partner

We are delighted to announce that we have been chosen by Shape Robotics to be their Irish reseller. Shape Robotics prepares the world for a future where innovation combined with coding and robotics is crucial for social development. Inspiring teaching with robots and technology helps prepare students for a changing future, where digital technologies, artificial […]

We are the only HP Education Windows Partner in Ireland

Congratulations to us !!!!! We have just been awarded the sole HP Education Partner for Windows in Ireland! This is undoubtedly a significant achievement and a testament to our expertise and commitment to providing quality education solutions using HP products and technologies. As an exclusive partner, Computex will have access to specialised training, support, and […]

Computex Selected as Partner for Digital Schools Awards in Ireland

Computex known for its innovative solutions and commitment to education, is delighted to announce its collaboration with the Digital Schools Awards in Ireland. This partnership aims to enhance the digital learning landscape in schools across the country and empower students and educators with the latest technologies. The Digital Schools Awards is a prestigious program that […]